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Explanatory Notes to Annexure – I [Operational Structure] Organogram
Project Delivery / Implementation
The structure on the left hand side of the page, outlined in blue, represents the direct RBP project delivery /implementation chain.
The chain of responsibility and reporting process from grassroots upwards is:
GP-Village Animators [VA] are paid workers of the project responsible for forming the issue centred CBU as relevant/suitable for each village and Panchayat.
Each Animator is responsible for project implementation in 10 villages at an average.
They are responsible for facilitating the formation of Gram Ekais from the leadership of CBUs and assist the Block Coordinators [BC] in the upward formation of Panchayat and Block Committees.
VAs daily work and activities are guided [with strategic and knowledge inputs], supervised and monitored by the BC.
VA maintains daily activity & expenditure dairies that are checked by the BC. VA will submit their Monthly reports to the same.
District Coordinators [DC] are responsible for overall project implementation in all GP and villages of the RBP project area. They maintain daily movement and activity-expenditure dairies and prepare monthly reports for the Project Resource Team [PRT].
The PRT is led by the overall Projects Coordinator and responsible for overall implementation of the as per the plan and budget sanctioned. There are: One person each for supervising – *Documentation [reports & records]; *Advocacy & Communications; *Women Empowerment [cross-cutting at all levels]; *Livelihood & NRM [group farming, Work Camps for NREGA mobilisation, organic farming promotion, Kitchen gardens]; *One Chief Accountant & One Field Accountant; *Program Monitoring & Capacity Building; *Internal Finance Monitoring.
For overall support and capacity building PRT has two resource persons from the EP-National Resource Team to oversee and internal monitoring of programme, training and finance systems and processes.
EP – Peoples’ Organisation
- The structure on the right hand side of the page in green outline is the community based organisation that is created through implementation of the RBP, and composed primarily of persons who belong to poor & marginal communities.
- The chain of responsibility from grassroots upwards is as depicted in the diagram. This not a parallel structure of governance but a structure that will press for implementation of responsible governance and delivery of State schemes/programmes through community based advocacy and peoples’ non-violent mass actions as, where and when necessary.
- It should be noted that the four-tiered structure [to the right of the diagram] are members of the Ekta Parishad. The focus of the RBP is to motivate and build the capacity of these members to operate as people centred groups to lead and manage programmes/actions in the direct interest of its own constituency.
- All members pay Rs. 10 per year and are renewed annually against a receipt towards membership of the Ekta Parishad-Bihar. Membership funds and other event oriented donations are raised, held and managed at the relevant tier of the structure. In the case of Ekais, besides the personal membership receipts, the Ekai as a unit also receives a recognition Certificate signed by the President of the National Ekta Parishad, Rajagopal P.V.
Salaried workers under the EP-PGVS Rebuild Bihar Programme may or may not be members of Ekta Parishad. Cadres/volunteers are at times provided remunerations against actual expenses incurred especially towards organising and managing events and programmes. |